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Release of Liability Form

I, the undersigned participant, acknowledge that participation in the South Colonie boy’s basketball at participating South Colonie Schools is a potential hazardous activity. I also understand that the activities involve risk of injury and I am voluntarily participating in these activities and utilizing the equipment and facilities with the knowledge of dangers involved. I hereby expressly agree to assume and accept any and all risk of injury arising out of all South Colonie Boys Basketball activities. I further acknowledge the existence of the need for certain rules and procedures concerning the use of equipment, facilities, and activities at the South Colonie Schools and hereby agree to abide by all such rules. I further agree to release and forever discharge the South Colonie School District, and South Colonie Boys Basketball (hereinafter referred to as “releasees”), and all of their respective officers, directors, coaches, employees and agents from any and all actions, suits, damages, claims, or judgement resulting from participation in any activity at any South Colonie Basketball event (practice / games) whether or not such activity is caused by the releasees’ act of negligence, active or passive, or from any other cause. I have read this agreement and fully understand its contents. I am aware that I am releasing certain legal rights against the releasees that I may otherwise have and I enter into this release of liability on my own behalf and of my own free will. This is a release of liability, do not consent via checkmark this release of liability if you do not understand or agree with its terms.

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